Leading During COVID-19

Let’s flashback to mid-March of this year: I was leaving my building for Spring Break, I had no idea that I would not be returning the rest of the year. None of us did.

We as school leaders, teachers, and staff are on the same boat: We did not get to end the school year while creating more memories with our students. We did not get a chance to say goodbye, hug, and wave to our students as they left our parking lot on the last day of school. We do not get to give the goodbye we imagined to our students who are graduating or moving schools.

Or, if you are like myself and you are moving into a new role- You will not get the true closure you need at your current building.

Let us not forget that students are missing out on many of their special moments they have looked forward to over the years as well.

To share my experience, I have looped with my current 8th grade students for the last three years and have become really close with students and families. From day one with them, when they were 6th graders, I envisioned the day that I would get to see each student walk across the stage for our 8th grade promotion night. I lived for the day where I would get to see them and their faces beaming with pride, with their families in the crowd, knowing that they are ready for high school. This moment motivated me over the years.

Now, as we know, this will no longer happen how or when we initially imagined.

The Grief is Real

This is a strong period of grief for many people. Within this COVID-19 storm, there are then individual storms we are all facing, too. During this time, many of the people we love, teach, and work with have gone through a lot. Maybe they lost a loved one. Maybe they missed out on huge milestones like celebrations or graduations. Maybe they are suffering with health issues. It is devastating to say the least. We cannot downplay that.

Times like this goes to show that relationships should always be our main focus, crisis or not. Being the relational leader is what is paramount; That is what will resonate in people’s hearts and help them through these tough times. Building relationships is what it is all about- Always and forever.

When I lost my grandfather two weeks ago, it warmed my heart how many people reached out to me. They allowed me to just sit in my grief and for me to “just be.” They loved me and sent me words of hope. Even through a horrible time in my life, while being socially distanced from people, I felt loved and comforted. THAT feeling that I received is the feeling we need to be giving to the people we serve now- A feeling of comfort, belonging, and love.

Let Faith Rise

With all of this said, I have been determined to find what I am grateful for during COVID-19. When I reflect on what I am grateful for, I always go back to the people: My family, friends, loved ones, colleagues, and students. Although we may not be able to create new memories in person with our people, I have found joy and solace in reminiscing in the wonderful times that we have had together in the past.

This past week, I have been living in between the spaces of grief and gratitude, and sometimes feeling both emotions complexly at the same time. I bet you can relate.

Then, today, I received a special delivery on my doorstep from my 8th grade class. This incredible gesture was what I needed to receive today. Watch this video to see how they surprised me:

Thank you, 8th graders and families, for loving me and believing in me. I am truly touched and will never forget you or our times together. Thank you for allowing the faith to rise in me even brighter due to your love for me today and always.

As we all live between the space of sadness and hope, while we put one foot in front of the other, I am reminded how blessed I am to be a leader. Although I never imagined that I would be leading during such a time as this, I feel that God is calling us all to lead well and to lead with love.

This is a reminder that we cannot control what happens in life, but we can love on our people. We can allow ourselves and others to feel the hard emotions. We can be the faith that others need. People will then love us in ways that will surprise us if we love them big, too.

We all need that during this time.

As you are leading during COVID, give all the love you can, but take the time to receive that love as well.

Keep loving & leading,