Featured on Mike’s On Podcast!

Recently, I was invited to take part in a podcast with one of my administrative colleagues in the Rockwood School District, Mike Anselmo. He is the Principal of Selvidge Middle School, producer of “Mike’s On!” Podcast, and an all-around dynamic and phenomenal person and leader.

During this interview, I had an amazing conversation with Mike and opened up my heart more than I have on any other podcast I have taken part in. I shared my:

  • Thoughts on school leadership during COVID-19 and what really matters
  • Enthusiasm as I transition into assistant principalship to building leadership
  • Journey throughout education and my struggle– and then success to find my place in education
  • Reflections on what drives me to share my learning with others in such a big way on social media
  • My journey from not having any social media accounts to growing a following on Twitter, becoming a blogger, and publishing a book with an educational publishing company!

Click the image below to watch on Sound Cloud. Also, you can check it out and listen on Apple Podcasts. Let me know what you think!

Mike's On (podcast) - Mike Anselmo | Listen Notes