Leading During a Crisis: Thoughts from a 1st Year Elementary Principal

Back when I was hired as an Elementary Principal back in December, I imagined what my upcoming year would be like; Everything that I dreamed of was nothing close to the reality of what 2020 had in store for me or us.

In March of this year, the new reality of what was to come was ready to hit us like a ton of bricks. One word, COVID. At that time, schools were beginning to shut-down and the future was widely unknown.

I have always been an optimistic person. As I was working two jobs; Wrapping up my year as an Assistant Principal and beginning my journey as a Principal, I felt a mix between excitement and fear.

I was not necessarily scared of COVID, although that did play a role. But moreover, I was concerned about how I could be the leader that this school community needed during this time.

Here is the truth: You can have all the confidence and skills in the world- but you will still be human and have self-doubt come in.

But, the beautiful thing about confidence is it’s often born from doubt and hardship, rather than in certainty and prosperity.

Confidence is not grown from knowing all of the answers. It is born from the resilience it takes to endure tough times and to live to tell your story.

As leaders, we have been given this deck of cards and circumstances that we did not choose. Yet, take heart, because we still have influence.

We have created and recreated school systems and procedures during this time with the collaboration and skills of all. We have innovated within health county guidelines. We have been inspired by our students and staff. But, most of all, we have not given up.

Through this experience thus far, I have realized more than ever that leadership is not leading others through the known. Leadership often entails leading others through the unknown, but with purpose.

We cannot predict the future, but we can put our love and handprints on what stands before us.

Our students and staff need direction at this time, people who will lead with high support at the moment and high expectations for the future. A strong leader knows that we won’t just “get through this pandemic.” But, we will evolve and be transformed as a result of it.

This chaos will make us better.

The world and education will never be the same. History is watching us.

Be the leader who walks in confidence through the unknown with strength and love.

You were made for this moment.