The Roadmap for Tech Success in School & Life

Roadmap for Tech Success

I moved to a brand new city within the last two months, and let me tell you, Google Maps has become an even stronger best friend: Google Maps + Kara = Friends Forever.

I am using GPS to get me everywhere. To give myself credit, this is understandable since I have never lived in this city before. But, after days of using the GPS to travel to the same locations, I realized that I needed to let my comfort blanket go. It was time to start driving without the visual and speech support-“You can do this, Kara,” I told myself.

I am not going to lie, it was a little terrifying to put the good ole’ Google Maps aside and to trust that I could make it halfway across the city with a million intersections competing against me, but I knew I could handle it.

All-in-all, I am happy to report that I did make it safely to my destination that day all-in-one piece, and without a scratch on my car (or myself). I am going to call this a total win-win.

Before I go any further, thank goodness for technology; Technology makes my life easier each and every day. And for that, I am eternally grateful. But, I see a fine line we face each day when we trust our computers to navigate our every move, rather than stopping for a second to think about our experiences and intuition.

As funny as it may seem, these same rules apply to technology in education: Technology is incredible, but our minds are an even greater gift bestowed upon us.

Do not let the technology determine where you go. YOU determine where you’re going, then use your learning first to get you there. Technology is not our compass. WE are the compass.

The Roadmap for Tech Success in School & in Life:

  1. Know where you want to go first.
  2. Give yourself some space to think- Is technology really what we need to transform this?
  3. Plan your course and prepare for roadblocks you may stumble across.
  4. Adjust your journey & take a detour, if needed.
  5. Take a breath & enjoy the ride!
  6. Arrive (You will sooner or later).

I think Lady Antebellum said it best,“Let your heart sweet heart be your compass when your lost and you should follow it wherever it may go….”

Kara Welty