MSW Journey

In January of 2022, I began my journey of being a MSW Candidate through Saint Louis University. As an educator and leader, I have seen first-hand how mental health needs have grown substantially. In education, we often lack the mental health personnel and resources in order to best support the children we serve. I hope that through gaining my MSW and licensure, I can lift up children and families in more ways than I can even imagine. I truly believe in dreaming big and always evolving as a person. If I could go to school forever, I would.

For the next two years, I will be diving deep into my program and internships. All the while, I will be supporting Saint Louis University in reading research and co-writing publications that help share findings on children, mental health, and beyond. I am looking forward to the adventure and to soak in all the learning along the way. Here’s to following your passions, while never being afraid to living life in a big way!